- Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 21. April 2009
- zum Thema: Ordnungspolitik 2009: Ludwig Erhard rotiert im Grabe.
- Bildunterschrift: "Das macht er immer, wenn der Wagen der CDU-Vorsitzenden vorbeirollt!".
- English description:Ludwig Erhard, former economy minister and federal chancellor, was the driving political force in installing social market economy in Germany after the war. Government of Angela Merkel (CDU party) is about to extend influence of state and government at the expense of private households and companies far beyond than Erhard had perceived it. Above tombstone: Revolutions per minute, Erhard turning over in his grave. On tombstone: prosperity for all. On flag on Merkel's car: climate dictate, health fund, rescue packages, wrecking bonus, fathering bonus, Lisbon dictate for all. Balloon: What's wrong with him? Caption: That's what he always does when the car of CDU-chairwoman passes by.
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