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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Autofahrer, Melkkuh, Schikane, Auto. PKW. Kraftfahrer, Kraftfahrzeug, Steuern, Auflagen, Umweltschutz, Klimaschutz, Feinstaub, CO2, Kohlendioxid, Ozon, Fahrverbot, Diesel, Russfilter, Sicherheit. Vorschriften, Laermschutz, Insassenschutz, EU, Europa, Kaufzurueckhaltung, Finanzkrise, Absatzkrise, MArkteinbruch, hausgemacht, Maut, Abwrackpraemie, ASU, Abgassonderuntersuchung, Plaketten, SOx, Schwefeloxide, Stickoxide, Smog, Katalysator, Oekosteuer

  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 24. März 2009
  •  zum Thema: Autoabsatzkrise: Wie die Politik den Autofahrer festgeklebt hat
  •  Bildunterschrift: "... rein faktisch ist es mir wegen schlechter Sicht bei jedem Wetter verboten!"
  • English description: Motorists are subject to manifold regulations and taxations. Inventiveness of governments in that respect is inexhaustible. Exhaust standards, safety standards, driving bans when certain wheather conditions occur (particulate matters, ozone in air), climate protection, financing old age pension funds (via so called eco-tax in Germany) and noise levels offer numerous opportunities to enforce car/ truck owner's additional donations to taxpayer's office or purchases of new technical gadgets that just became compulsory through a new law. Apart from that government was very eager in the last years to declare any vehicle motorized with combustion engine an enemy of environment and climate and natural resources - a propaganda that - in turn - paved the way to more new taxes and regulations. Consumers were more and more unsure of buying a new car as they could not predict at all which new taxation and regulation and limitation ideas government would come up with in the following week. Of course this kind of short-sighted and fiscally orientated policy had consequences in the number of sold cars and trucks. These damages in producer's sales reports became already visible way before financial crisis turned up - but the latter was a formidable scapegoat for the political home-made desaster on automotive markets. Motorists balloon: Acccording to pure law I was allowed to drive regardless of the weather ... Caption: ... according to pure facts it is forbidden to me regardless of the weather due to poor sight. -- On windshield some stickers that indicate payments made for environmental or taxation or safety purposes.
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Mail: info@wiedenroth-karikatur.de