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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Bundestag, Reichstag, Ausschuss, Umwelt, Haushalt, Reise, Tansania, Kenia, Safari, Tourismus, Steuerzahler, Kosten, Bundesrechnungshof, Hinterbaenkler. Sylvia Kotting-Uhl, Petra Bierwirth, Lutz Heilmann, Cajus Julius Caesar, Angelika Brunkhorst

  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 16. Februar 2009
  •  zum Thema: Die große Ausschuss-Ausflugs-Lust: Bundestagsabgeordnete auf steuerfinanzierter Safari-Sause in Tansania und Kenia
  •  Bildunterschrift: Es steht ein Haus in Westberlin, das steht seit kurzem leer ...
  • English description: German members of parliament committees undertake a safari rush on taxpayer's account to Tansania and Kenia from 16th to 25th February, 2008. Shown here is german federal parliament's building in Berlin, the Reichstag. On portico: House of travel (where normally Dedicated To German People is written). Balloons: This winter weather makes me depressive ... -- But what for are you a member of parliament? Take a fly to sunny places. A safari in Kenya perhaps? Tomorrow the next committee will go in this direction. But no postcards to voters, please. -- Caption: There is a house in Westberlin, that is abandoned for a short time ...
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