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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Schuldenbremse, Stabilitaetspakt, Haushalt, Disziplin, Ausgaben, Neuverschuldung, Defizit, Schulden, Foederalismusreform, Angela Merkel, Schuldengrenze, Maastricht

  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 06. Februar 2009
  •  zum Thema: Ausnahme von der "Schuldenbremse": eine schwere Wirtschaftskrise --- die herbeizuführen noch nie ein Problem war
  •  Bildunterschrift: "Es ist doch nur normal, dass sich die gute Hausfrau von Zeit zu Zeit eine frische Bibel ins Schrankfach legt!"
  • English description: Politics in Germany is about to make a new law in which the amount of new indebtedness per year shall be limited. They call it Schuldenbremse, which means indebtedness brake. The limit is planned to be 0.35 per cent of GNP. Of course with a backdoor (Hintertuerchen): The limit shall not be valid in case of natural disasters and severe economic crises. It should be no problem then for an experienced politician to create the conditions for unlimited new indebtedness. Federal chancellor Angela Merkel in caricature here removes EU stability pact of 1996 (which limited new indebtedness by 3 percent of GNP, a limit that was seldomly complied with actuallly) from locker and replaces it with indebtedness-brake-book. On red sign: budget. Caption: It is only normal, however, that a good housewife from time to time puts a fresh bible onto the top shelf.
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