- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom
23. Januar 2009
- zum Thema: Gesundheitsfonds: "neue Manipulationsanreize für Kassen und Ärzte"
- Bildunterschrift: Die Gesundheitsreform - ein Fest für Korruptions-Chroniker.
- English description: Against all warnings and resistances the federal government of Germany pushed through the introduction of a renewed financing structure of health expenses in Germany, called Gesundheitsfonds (health funds). This system claims all health insured persons to pay their contributions no longer to their health insurance companies but to Gesundheitsfonds. Also the employer has to pay his share of employee's health insurance contribtion to this funds. The funds will pay then a certain sum for each insurant to health insurance companies in order to let them pay patients' doctor bills. The amount of contribution in percentage of salary is fixed by government. Insurance companies are to claim an increased amount per patient/insurant, if he/she suffers from a disease that requires a considerable costly treatment. There is a list of diseases which fit into this category. They call this risk structure balancing (RSA - Riskostrukturausgleich) between insurance companies. Unfortunately this arrangement creates incentives to redefine the deseases of certain patients in a manner that allows to classify it into the RSA list with the desired effect that the insurer gets more money from the funds, if only the doctor is helpful in redefining the diseases of his patients. Balloon doctor: Here are the confirmations of chronical diseases that you were looking for. Balloon insurer (Krankenkasse): Thanks! As soon as I have withdrawn, you will get your reward. Caption: Health care reform - a feast for chronically corrupt coevals.
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