- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom
21. Januar 2009
- zum Thema: Schaeffler und Continental: Übers Übernehmen
- Bildunterschrift: Die Wettbewerbsaufsicht ist längst gegangen, doch im Ring will keine Ruhe werden
- English description: Family-owned Schaeffler enterprises group performs a takeover of automotive, especially tyre producing company Continental. A quarrel is reported about the hows of future decision processes between Schaeffler's executive board on one hand and Continental's supervisory board on the other. Shown here are Schaeffler CEO Geissinger and supervisory chairman von Gruenberg. Balloon Geissinger: Understand it finally that you've been taken over. Balloon Gruenberg: Taken over? It's you who has overstrained! Caption: the competition-referees are gone long ago but still there is going to be no silence in the boxing ring.
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