- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom
20. Januar 2009
- zum Thema: Kita-Gesetz der Kieler Landesregierung: Im Wählerbeglückungsrausch in die Peinlichkeit gerutscht
- Bildunterschrift: "Ein Auszubildender der Linke-Tasche-Rechte-Tasche-Branche!"
- English description: The government of german federal state Schleswig-Holstein made a mistake during legislation for a new law that rules fees for the visit of daycare facilities for children. It was forgotten to note in the text from when in 2009 the visit will be non-contributory. Intended was from august 2009. In fact, as this information was not mentioned, the beginning is january, a circumstance that will cause additional and unexpected expenses for government's budget in the amount of EUR 20 million. On sign above door: Government Kiel presents: non-contributory third year in daycare facility. Black sign aside: Pay here your sacrifice for healing of legislation mishaps. Standing with collecting box is governor of Schleswig-Holstein, Peter Harry Carstensen. Balloon boy: Who is this man? Caption: An apprentice in the branch of left-pocket-right-pocket.
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