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  Aktuelle Karikaturen  
Klimaschutz, Erderwaermung, globale Erwaermung, CO2, Institut, Messdaten, Foerdermittel, Staatsauftraege, Befangenheit, Aufklaerung, Europa, Kyoto, Oekodiktatur, leere Versprechungen, Wissenschaft, Rahmstorf, Schellnhuber, Kemfert, Hysterie, Panik, Angst
  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 18. Dezember 2008

  •  zum Thema: Klimapanik-Fanfare: Der Sommer 2008 war der wärmste seit -- neulich/ Wiedenroths Vorbörsen-Karikatur

  •  Bildunterschrift: "Die computermodellgestützte Auswertung unserer Messdaten bewies zweifelsfrei die menschliche Einflussnahme auf die Temperaturentwicklung"
  • English description: Climate researchers compare intensively the temperatures around the globe that were registered during 2008. Every gained data is declared by them as a signal for the planet's climate being in disorder. Their referential system is the time since the beginning of weather data annotation, i.e. middle/end of 19th century. Keeping in mind that climate history is ongoing since some billion years the researcher's alarmism is truly a credible procedure. Climate politicking means making people anxious with a mess of statistical data, comparisons and estimations that no reasonable person can evaluate realistically. Is it really of any relevance that winter temperatures in South America were three degrees above average and that Turkey experienced the coldest nights since 50 years? Not at all. Above all one has to ask how and where the data was collected and what influence this modus operandi had on the results. In other words: The big picture of world's climate could be quite different, if temperature data were gathered on differently selected spots on the earth. Weather happens to be never the same. Politicians and scientists concerned suggest instead, only a constant weather would give a reason to keep calm. Apart from that they claim that humans were responsible for every raindrop on the wrong spot and more: that humans would be able to prevent the wrong raindrop from falling on the wrong spot by avoiding the emission of COsomething, by preventing the cows from farting and so on. Caption: The computer model-based evaluation of our measure data proves without any doubt the human influence on development of temperatures.

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