- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom
09. Dezember 2008
- zum Thema: Merkel erkennt: Klimaschutzvollrausch und Arbeitsplatzsicherung sind konfliktäre Ziele
- Bildunterschrift: Beim kindischen Spiel bergab die Gefahr falsch eingeschätzt
- English description: EU member states quarrel about who will have to shoulder which CO2 reduction burden to achieve the europe-wide EU-commitment of 20%-reduction until 2020. Federal chancellor Angela Merkel newly emphasizes the value of jobs when talking of so-called climate protection and so-called greenhouse gases. She utters now that she won't consent with climate protection rulings that will endanger jobs or investments in Germany. Her minister of economy, Michael Glos, underlines the importance of competitiveness that must not be endangered by climate protection measurements. Quite new sounds from this government. On building: German industry - fine jobs. On little cart: climate protection. Merkel yelling: hooooold it! Caption: wrong assessment of danger when playing immaturely at incline.
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