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  Aktuelle Karikaturen  
RAF, Christian Klar, OLG Stuttgart, Entscheid, Freilassung, Terror, Haft, Verbüßung, Bundesverdienstkreuz, Ignes Ponto, Jürgen Vietor, Rückgabe, Bellevue, Horst Köhler, Bundespräsidialamt, Bundespräsident, Bundesverdienstorden, immigration, Integration, Islam, Islamkonferenz, Forderungen, Nachgeben, Multikulturalismus
  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 24. November 2008

  •  zum Thema: Zorn über öffentliche Geringschätzung der RAF-Opfer: Wohin mit den zurückgegebenen Bundesverdienstkreuzen?

  •  Bildunterschrift: ".. wir könnten ein Zeichen setzen und sie mohammedanischen Einwanderern als integrationsförderndes Willkommensgeschenk anbieten!"
  • English description: Christian Klar of former terrorist Red Army Fraction, imprisoned since 26 years, will be released out of jail in january 2009 following to a decision of Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart court. There are many protests against this ruling throughout German society. A former Lufthansa airline pilot, Juergen Vietor, who was one victim of airplane hijacking to Mogadishou in 1978 which was designed by PFLP-terrorists to enforce release of RAF terrorists in Germany, announces to hand back his federal cross of merit as an expression of protest. Some weeks ago the widow of RAF-murdered then-Dresdner-Bank-CEO Juergen Ponto announced to return her federal cross of merit, too, as a protest against a wrong and degrading scene of murdering her husband in the recently published movie "Baader-Meinhof-Komplex". Until today all German federal governments since the 70's didn't manage to install a memorial for RAF victims. Standing at the window here are federal president Horst Koehler and a co-worker, saying: That's the tenth truck today - the cellar will be filled up soon .... Caption: ... we could possibly make a point in offering them to muslim immigrants as a welcome gift. -- On Bellevue building, the Berlin residence of the federal president: Here federal cross return dumpsite. In clouds: political climate for RAF-victims.

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