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  Aktuelle Karikaturen  
Roland Koch, Hessen, Opel, Bürgschaft, Neuverschuldung, Steuerreform, Mindestlohn, Pendlerpauschale, Atomausstieg, Föderalismusreform, Kfz-Steuer, Erbschaftsssteuer, Meilenstein, Stolpern, Scheitern, Scherben, Steuerpolitik, Pendlerpauschale, Abschreibungsrichtlinien, Verschärfung, Mehrwertsteuer, Krisengipfel, Autokonjunktur; Mittelstand, stirbt, leise, Wahlchancen, Rettungsring, Monitor, Entlassungen, Leitstand, Staatskanzlei, Wiesbaden, Wahlen
  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 19. November 2008

  •  zum Thema: Koch spricht von der Opel-Rettung - und meint doch seine eigene

  •  Bildunterschrift: Zwei Betriebszustände im hessischen Staatsleiterbüro
  • English description: Federal chancellor Merkel and some governors of German federal states make a splash of securing endangered workplaces at Opel car factories, a General Motors subsidiary. Confer caricature as of 20081118. When some 400 small and medium enterprises pass away over a few years and 100'000 workers are laid off there is no political nervosity at all. But if there are 100'000 jobs at one time at stake, politicians can't be busy enough to present themselves as saviors. All principles of market and competition are forgotten when they think they can earn easily some voter's sympathies paid with taxpayer's money. A few years ago then-chancellor Schroeder tried the same in the cases of Babcock and Holzmann, which were private limited companies. Both were temporarily saved in a big political presentation but went nevertheless into bankruptcy a short time later. Shown here is governor of Hesse, Roland Koch. 1.) In front of him a counter: bankruptcies of medium-sized enterprises: 400 times 300 jobs gone. 2.) On monitor: 1x100'000 jobs endangered. Koch, sweating: summit ... highest priority ... governmental aid ... -- in thought-balloon: on Opel-emblem, which is also a lifebelt for Koch: Dedicated to Opel-savior, to election-winner. -- Caption: Two operational states in Hessian state operational chief's office.

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