- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom
10. November 2008
- zum Thema: Castor: Gesetzesbruch-freundliche Planung und Durchführung eines Bahntransports
- Bildunterschrift: "... zahlen Sie nichts -- es genügt, wenn Sie uns wieder wählen!"
- English description: Castor-transport of nuclear waste to preliminary depot in Gorleben, federal state of Lower Saxony, again is accompanied by a high number of lawbreakings. Rails are blocked and damaged by demonstrators, rail signal devices are damaged by fire raising, police is helpless, as it is politically adviced to obey to a so-called de-escalation-strategy which is, in truth, a charter for infringements of the law of all kinds perpetrated by demonstrators. Amongst the aforementioned railblockers also green members of parliament, the Bundestag, were seen. Scarcely understandable that the transport was to take place on a saturday. Balloon: I planned your travel day on Saturday, as some of your friends may have to work during week. Text on left extremist: legal, illegal - not give a shit. On sign on table: Better-world tour operator. On envelope: Castor - your timetable, your railsignal wire-diagrams. Caption: .. don't pay anything - it will do if you re-elect us!
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