- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom
24. Oktober 2008
- zum Thema: 3D-Körperscanner: Einem nackten Fluggast kann man in die Tasche fassen
- Bildunterschrift: "Nein ehrlich, Mama! Du bist auf der Titelseite! Du bist ein Star!"
- English description: Commision of European Union recommends establishment of scanner devices at European airports that allow to depict a dressed human body naked to skin electronically. It is said to be a useful tool to detect potential offenders carrying weapons, drugs or explosives near to their body - substances and objects that are difficult to be found in certain body areas by simple palpation. Using the scanner is quicker than a thorough body search. Critics are concerned about which personnell will be permitted to look at the scan pictures and how it will be prevented that personalized image data will be saved and drawn into extended use. Caption: No honestly mom, you are on front page. You are a star!
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