- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom
13. Oktober 2008
- zum Thema: Rettungspaket: Der Staat bürgt mit Geld, das er sich erst noch beschaffen muss
- Bildunterschrift: Staatliches Vertrauens-Recycling
- English description: Germany's federal government announces a state's guarantee for all bank savings in the amount of EUR 470 billion. For every Euro the government as a guarantor will have to pay in case of need it will have to increase the public debt or the tax rates. On the left a bank where the public performs a run on cash dispensers. On the right Mrs Merkel leans against a --bank's rescue automat-- with a deposit slot, from which a tube --rescue package-- leads back to the bank's building. Merkel says: I'll make sure that your money is safe. Caption: Confidence-recycling by government.
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