- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom
22. September 2008
- zum Thema: Wie Journalisten sich mit Nazi-Sprachbarbarei Schlagzeilen und Kölner Ereignisse schaffen
- Bildunterschrift: Berichterstattung mit Herzblut, Witz und Intelligenz
- English description: Many German journalists covering the riots against the Anti-Islamization-Congress in Cologne choose an astounding spiteful style of language when it comes to opponents of islamization in Germany and Europe. Around cloud: rotten cabal, right ... far right ... doesn't matter: nazi-gang, shall they drown, brown fire raisers, then the brown rabble regrettably had to stew on the Rhine-ship, brown sauce, dirty folks, scarecrow for civil society. On sign within cloud: Opponents of islamization are not welcome here. Caption: media coverage with lifeblood, wit and intelligence. (These were the three words which the mayor of cologne, Fritz Schramma, was using when he commented on how the Anti-Islamization-Congress was terminated.)
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