- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 03. September 2008
- zum Thema: Bundeswehr in Afghanistan: Jungs Beschwichtigungswirtschafts-Förderung
- Bildunterschrift: Drei gute Gründe, den Wehrdienst zu verweigern
- English description: German defense minister Franz-Josef Jung travels to Afghanistan and pays blood money to Afghans whose family members were shot at a Bundeswehr post when the car they were driving in approached way too fast. In doing this, Jung wants to avoid a blood revenge against Bundeswehr soldiers taken by the afghan family. Caption: Three good reasons to refuse german draft. Texts above left to right: guarding of agriculture -- protection of islamic social order -- watch of flies over trousers of politicians having the shits. Balloon Jung: Take it, we have more than enough, but please don't force our lads to shoot! On box: blood money.
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