- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 26. August 2008
- zum Thema: Ökonomie-Nobelpreisträger fordern mehr Intelligenz durch Beamtengehalt in neuer Aufsichtsbehörde - voila, keine Finanzkrisen mehr
- Bildunterschrift: Das Narrenschiff und sein unsinkbarer Refrain
- English description: Nobel laureates in economics meet in Lindau on Bodensee, Germany. They complain that macroeconomic models produced ever since had little to do with reality, were too simplified. The majority of them pleads for more governmental influence on investment markets to prevent financial crisis like those experienced right now. The idea obviously is that persons in supervisory authorities are more clearsighted and reasonable than market participants, simply because they are tax-payed. In fact, governmental influenced institutions recently took part in the great subprime error and weren't more clearsighted at all. Text in cloud: financial crisis. On boat: Economical science. Balloon: Hey! Our models aren't right at all! --- I got it! Assume that is given a regulatory rubber that erases the cloud ... On eraser: state. Caption: fools' ship with unsinkable refrain.
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