- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 25. August 2008
- zum Thema: Hamburger Koalitionsdisziplin: Von Beust toleriert Kriminellencamp nichtsnutziger Steuernutznießer
- Bildunterschrift:"Ganz reizend, deine Patenkinder, Schatz!"
- English description: Participants of a so called climate-and-antiracism-camp, a one-week lasting action in Hamburg-Lurup, commited dozens of crimes, violent offences and molestations against private persons, attacks against public buildings and supermarkets. Finally they tried occupating a power plant under construction in Hamburg-Moorburg, for which intention a police force of 1'000 was necessary to prevent. The permission for this dubious event "camp" was granted by Hamburg state senate which consists since last elections in 2008 of christ democrats CDU chaired by Ole von Beust, depicted here, and green-alternative party GAL. GAL sympathized with the camp action and demanded consent from CDU for permission. CDU presumably agreed to avoid any quarrel in their coalition with GAL. On scarfs: Left-wing extremist action camp. Caption: How charming your godchildren are, darling!
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