- Wirtschafts-Karikatur
"Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 25. Juli 2008
- zum Thema: Elektronischer Personalausweis: Bei der Fingerabdruckerfassung wird es nicht bleiben
- Bildunterschrift: Wöchentliche Pflichtwiegung
- English description: German federal government decides to introduce an electronic identity card which allows to integrate fingerprint data. Alas, governmental ambitions to ascertain intimate corporal details presumably won't rest there. Caption: Weekly obligatory weighing. Text above: people's scale. Text on machine under slots: electronic identity card, electronic health card (on which individual health data shall be stored). Balloon on the left, underneath face of minister of the interior, Wolfgang Schaeuble: Your ideological dependability in climate protection issues: poor. Your doubts about wisdom of authorities: alarming. Your electoral intentions: dangerous. Last reprimanding before you will be institutionalized. Right balloon underneath face of minister of healthcare, Ulla Schmidt: your weight 25% over plan. Your fathering activity: 100% under plan. Your blood-nicotine data: not acceptable.Your nutrition: too fat. Your identity card herewith is cancelled for butter purchasing. Tattoo on the back of naked man: RFID chip officially sealed.
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