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Aktuelle Karikaturen

ISlam, Anti-Islamisierung, Kongress, Koeln, Barmer Platz, Fritz Schramma, Oberbuergermeister, NS-Ideologie, Hass, Verachtung, anders, erscheinen, Gefuehl, Bedrohung, fremd, Scheisschrist, Scheissdeutscher, Deutscher, Schweinefleischfresser, Unglaeubiger, Affen, Schweine, Pro Koeln, Judenhass, Antisemitismus, Israel, Allah, Hitler, segnen, Antifa, Gewalt, Unruhen, Demonstrationsrecht, aushebeln, aufheben

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 14. Mai 2009
  •  zum Thema: Kölner OB Schramma doziert zur Entstehung der NS-Tyrannei - durchaus hellsichtig.
  •  Bildunterschrift: - ohne -
  • English description: Mayor of city of Cologne, Fritz Schramma, referred to what was in the beginning and in the center of NS-Ideology in Nazi Germany as he intended to defame all worried participants of anti-islamization-convention taking place in Cologne on May 9th, 2009, as Nazis. However, his remarks are quite to the point if one dares to relate them to the behaviour of many immigrated muslims in Germany. On light green area --Hate and contempt against all those who appeared somehow different ... -- the diffuse feeling of being threatened by all that appears alien. -- Death to Israel, Allah bless Hitler, Jews into the gas! On yellow sign: Behead all who insult Islam. -- On dark green area: F**ing christ ... f**ing German ... pork-eater ... infidel ... christians and jews - monkeys and pigs - unveiled bitch - I f**k your mother. -- One Ummah! one state! solution is the caliphate!
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