- Politik-Karikatur vom 29. April 2009
- zum Thema: Sanddeserting: kleine, private Folterparties der jeunesse doree von Abu Dhabi.
- Bildunterschrift: "Islamophober Provokateur!"
- English description: A brother of the crown prince of United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan, tortures a man at night in the desert with help of some police aides, shoots with a gun into the sand near him, stuffs sand into his mouth, whips him, rapes him with a subject-matter, rolls over him with a car. The scenes are taken on video, smuggled into the west and published on the internet.The UAE-ministry of the interior confirmed the identity of the torturer being Sheikh Issa, but declared all activities seen on this video were according to local laws. On yellow sign: Stop sand-deserting torture committed by Abu-Dhabi-princes. On white signs: Human rights for all, stop water-boarding. Caption: Islam-angst-ridden agitator!
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