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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Strassburg, Nato. Gipfel, Friedensdemonstranten, schwarzer Block, Autonome, Antifa, Antifaschistische Aktion, Linksradikalismus, Brandstiftung, Koerperverletzung, Landfriedensbruch, Vandalismus, willkürliche Zerstoerung, Barrikaden, Molotow-Cocktails, Bedrohung, Zivilisation, Rohheit, Grausamkeit, Spektakel, Abenteuer, Infantlitaet, Regression, Wohlstandszoeglinge, Fernseher, Claudia Roth, Gruene, Rote Fahne, Rotfront, oeffentliche Sicherheit, Staatsversagen, Landfriedensbruch, Strafversaeumnis

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 06. April 2009
  •  zum Thema: Straßburg: Rotfront-Chaotenkrieg gegen die Zivilisation - und kein Politiker fordert volles Strafmaß wegen Landfriedensbruchs.
  •  Bildunterschrift: Gipfel ... Schmeiß ... Fliegen
  • English description: Riots and war against civilization during Nato summit in french city Strassburg. Citizens are being molested and endangered by left-wing extremists waving the red flag with hammer and sickle, throwing stones and incendiary compositions, erecting barricades, plundering buildings regardless of people being still in, damaging and destroying public and private infrastructure, enjoying the transitory state of complete lawlessness. Only a few of that marauding morons later are brought to justice and convicted to a few months in prison. None of the international politicians' elite gathered in Strassburg called for severe punishment of these individuals. All the rest of that black block may travel to the next festival of violence somewhere in Europe. Have a look at Berlin, where their so-called Myfest is going to take place on May 1st, as every year. Balloons above with identical text: Fight for peace! Against Nato! Against right wing extremism!. Child: Which ones are the evils now, mom? Mother: The both of us somehow! Caption: summit ... blow ... fly.
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