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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Stiftung, Schweiz, Bankgeheimnis, Oesterreich, Steueroase, glaeserner Buerger, Volkszaehlung, Datenschutz, Steinbrueck, Finanzminister, Peitschen-Peer, Merkel, Bundeskanzlerin, Datenkrake, Kontrolle, Ueberwachung, Ueberwachungsstaat, Schnueffelei, Refinanzierung, Konjunkturpaket

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 16. März 2009
  •  zum Thema: Volkszählung? Datenschutzaufstand! Bankgeheimnisbeseitigung? Sozialneidparty!
  •  Bildunterschrift: So kann man auch mit großen Sachen/ Einfaltspinsel glücklich machen
  • English description: It was not at least the pressure from german government that made governments in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria diminish their bank secret. Governments in time of crisis need lots of public money - they cannot afford not to know the exact amount of money their taxpayers really own. And they will do more to secure their volume of expenditure. Expropriation for instance. On demonstrators' signs: stop census. no government's snoopery! -- my data is mine. -- my age is not government's business! -- Balloon of chancellor merkel, speaking from balcony: I may announce to you that thanks to efforts of my government the bank secrecy in Europe is abolished!!! -- the crowd cheers and rejoices. Caption: Such it is possible to make tomfools happy by getting up to a bit of no good.
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