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Merkel, Steinbach, Zentrum gegen Vertreibungen, Stiftungsrat, Steinbach, Polen, Bartoszewski, Tusk, Verzicht, Thierse, Schwan, SPD, CDU, Union, Stillhalten

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 06. März 2009
  •  zum Thema: Stiftungsrat Vertriebenengedenkstätte: SPD erzwingt Lösung im polnischen Sinne
  •  Bildunterschrift: Gelernt aus der Personalie Steinbach
  • English description: Project of establishing a memorial place for german displaced persons form former eastern territories of Germany, nowadays Poland. There are many quarrels between Germany and Poland, because the latter fears the revival of national german feelings and possession claims on estates and properties in Poland. Chairman of displaced persons association in Germany, Erika Steinbach, fought for the right of germans to remember the sufferings of expulsion during polonization of lands east of rivers Oder and Neisse. She succeeded finally in establishing the memorial (that finally was dedicated to sufferings of expulsion in general, including those of the polish people) and strived for a seat in 13-person-foundation board of that memorial place. Poland had a deep antipathy against Steinbach stemming from many controversies with her in the past, agitated massively against her and so did the political left in Germany. Federal chancellor Merkel did nothing to defend her. Finally Steinbach finally voluntarily had to resign from her plans. Balloon: From today, you have a new polish interpreter as his predecessor stabbed himself into his leg (german wordplay: bein stach, Steinbach). Balloon Merkel: Hopefully you asked well for Warsaw's permission? Caption: Lessons from the Steinbach case.
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