- Politik-Karikatur vom 16. Februar 2009
- zum Thema: Tumulte im Hamburger Ehrenmordprozess: Islamisches Rechtsverständnis tritt in dröhnende Konkurrenz zum geltenden Gesetz
- Bildunterschrift: Gerichtspersonal in Schandmordprozessen künftig mit Gefahrenzulage
- English description: A naturalized German of Afghan origin, Ahmad-Sobair Obeidi (24) killed his sister Morsal Obeidi (16) because he disliked her wearing Western-style clothes and make-up. Whereas her siblings obeyed to strict afghan muslim rules, Morsal was not inclined to do so. Ahmad Obeidi perpetrated his crime in May, 2008 on a parking lot in Hamburg-St.George. On February 13th, 2009, he was convicted and got life imprisonment for honour-killing. During pronouncement of the sentence the accused as well as his family and supporters in courtroom yelled at the judge and showed outbursts of fury. His brother had to be removed from courtroom by officers as he was not able to regain control of himself. Neither were the supporters who drummed with their fists against the barrier pane in courtroom. The prosecutor was threatened by the culprit: You son of a bitch, I'm going to fuck your mother! and was thrown at with a folder. Two days later it was announced that the prosecutor received anonymous death threats. On sign: Forbidden words in courtroom: Son of a bitch, I fuck your mother, shitty potatoe, christ cunt. -- Balloon judge: Life imprisonment for murdering his sister. -- Defendant: In Afghanistan I would have been long set free. Caption: Court personnel henceforth will receive an extra-pay for increased danger in muslim honour-killing-lawsuits.
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