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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Justiz, Gericht, Prozess, Gewalt, Migrantengewalt, Komaschlaeger, Erdinc S., Mulitkulturalismus, Jugendkriminalitaet, Koerperverletzung, einfache, schwere, gefaehrliche, Freilassung, Haftgrund, Fluchtgefahr, Opfer, Taeter, Umkehrung, Sturz, Michael Klein, Richter, Koeln, Jugendrichter, Migrantenbonus

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 06. Februar 2009
  •  zum Thema: Justiz schont Erdinc S.: Sein Prügel-Opfer war schuld, denn es fiel falsch
  •  Bildunterschrift: Richter Klein bewertet Schadensverursachung im Oberstübchen
  • English description: Judge Michael Klein in cologne releases recidivist Erdinc S. (19) from prison where he was a remand prisoner for six months. He was accused of dangerous personal injury against a 44-year-old, whom he knocked down thus severely that he fell into coma. The judge decided that the offender could not foresee these consequences when hitting his victim and that he was therefore not to be regarded as guilty of dangerous personal injury. He spoke of a partial mishap and of bagatelles. Balloon: Every day matches are lit and in 99.9% of all cases there are no bad consequences. It's your own fault if you are inflammable! Schlag = knock. Koma = coma. Caption: Judge Klein evaluates the damage causation in upper story.
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