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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Oesterreich; FPOE, Susanne Winter, Politikerin, Wahlkampf, Mohammed, Kinderschaender, Justiz, Strafantrag, Muslime, Beleidigtsein, Kritik, Kritische Methode, Koran, Hadith, Sunna, Christoph Lichtenberg, Richter, Bedrohung, Angst, Geldstrafe, Bewaehrungsstrafe

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 26. Januar 2009
  •  zum Thema: Justizfall Winter: Es zählt nur noch der mittlerweile höchste Rechtsrang in Europa - das islamische Beleidigtsein
  •  Bildunterschrift: "24.000 Euro Geldstrafe und dings, äh, drei Monate bedingt!"
  • English description:Austrian politician Susanne Winter is sentenced to pay a fine of EUR 24.000,00 and to three months in prison suspended. Her offense: She uttered during an election campaign that Islam founder Mohammed was a child molester as measured by modern estimation standards. The judge denied any religious or historical discussion but stated that only the impact of that incriminated statement on the mind of muslims today was of relevance in that trial. Thought balloon judge: Judge! We know where your house is and where your children go to school. 24.000 EUR will mitigate our hatred. Thought ballloon Mrs Winter: Mohammed was a child molester. Spoken text judge: Here's nothing to say about religion or history but only about hatemongering here and now ... by the way: why don't you wear a headscarf in court? Caption: 24.000 EUR penalty and thingamajig, ah, three months suspended.
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