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Migrantengewalt. Rassismus gegen Deutsche, no go areas. Gewalt, Juden, Hass, Gaza, israel, Einwanderung, Nazi, Verleumdung, Verfassungsschutz, Staatsschutz, Katastrophenschutz, Jugendschutz. Islam, Holocaust, Parolen, Strafbar, Untaetigkeit, Behoerden, Hamas, Muslime, Hitlergruss
  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 12. Januar 2009

  •  zum Thema: Anti-Israel-Hassdemonstrationen in westlichen Städten: islamische Bevölkerungsteile testen die Grenzen

  •  Bildunterschrift: Für die Behörden verlief der Tag ruhig - keine NPD unterwegs!
  • English description: Muslim demonstrations in sympathy for arab population in Gaza strip throughout western world. Demonstrators shout slogans that would doubtlessly be regarded as right-extremist if they were uttered by non-muslims. Again, we see double-standards when it comes to tolerance against muslim parts of the western population. Shouted text by muslims: death to jews, jews into the gas, put on the ovens, Allah bless Hitler. In left part security and protection authorities sleep. In balloons: I believe that muslim immigration is no good for this country. -- So you are simply a nazi, then! Caption: For authorities the day was calm: no NPD underway. -- NPD is abbreviation for national democratic party, which is a right-wing extremist socialist party in Germany.

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