- Politik-Karikatur vom 08. Januar 2009
- zum Thema: Grundlegende Grundrechenart für grundgesetzliche Grundrechte ist Subtraktion
- Bildunterschrift: "Sie bekommen Bescheid, wenn es für Sie soweit ist!"
- English description: Constitutional basic rights in germany vanish incrementally. The two mainly named reasons are the fight against terrorism and the enforcement of fiscal claims against taxpayers. On gravestones: sanctities of the home, bank secret, confidentiality between physician and patient, privacy of correspondence, secrecy of telecommunications, freedom of speech, equal justice under law, freedom of assembly, secrecy of editorial office. On back of old woman: secrecy of the ballot, protection of privacy. Spoken text by german coat-of-arms-eagle as a symbol for government and state: Slowly! The other ones weren't allowed to recline on trial as well! -- Caption: You'll be notified when it's done!
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