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Alos, Mannichl, Polizeichef, Passau, Polizeidirektor, Anschlag, Lebkuchenmesser, Verdaechtige, Verhaftungen, Festnahmen, Freilassungen, Messerattacke, Phantombild, Polizeischule, Gesichtsdetails, Portraet, Rechtsradikalismus, Bekaempfung, Beweislage
  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 23. Dezember 2008

  •  zum Thema: Mannichl-Anschlag: die Täterbeschreibungskunst des Passauer Polizeichefs

  •  Bildunterschrift: Damals, in der Polizeischule
  • English description: In the case of stabbed victim Alois Mannichl, police chief in German town Passau, two photofit pictures of supposed offenders were released (five days after the crime happened) by police that were made according to Mannichl's description. It is more than astonishing that these photofit pictures do not show a complete portrait but only a close-up drawing of two significant tattoos on the head, one on the cheek, one on the back of the head. One has to keep in mind that, according to Mannichl's reporting, the offender stood in front of him and stabbed him with a lebkuchen knife that lay in the immediate vicinity of Mannichl's home front door - and that was Mannichl's property. The offender thus confirmedly didn't wear a mask. It is a mystery why Mannichl, a high-ranked police officer, was not able to give a precise description of the offender's face to the public that goes beyond the tattoo-details. On blackboard: The photofit picture. Balloon: No, no, no, Mannichl.... you are expected to draw the whole face, you know, the whole face! -- Caption: Once, in police academy. UPDATE: Later today new photofit pictures have been released, this time with portrayal information, ten days after the crime happened. Wanted are four persons now, whose political background is still unclear - in contradiction to media reports on crime day's eve, which claimed the offenders nearly doubtlessly were right-wing extremist.

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