- Politik-Karikatur vom 15. Dezember 2008
- zum Thema: Haider-Tod: Unfallversion komm raus, du bist umzingelt -- Nein, ich kämpfe bis zuletzt!
- Bildunterschrift: Hauptverdächtiger Hydrant verzweifelt gesucht
- English description: Reported circumstances of the deathly accident of Austrian politician Joerg Haider aren't consistent at all. The contradictions remind of German politician Uwe Barschel's death who died 1987 in a Geneva hotel apartment, officially and stubbornly declared as suicide by police, politics and judiciary - without final evidence. A few days ago an expert named Harald Weinlaender refers to new findings that Haider's car did not overturn even though this had been one fundamental paradigm for the explanation of the massive destructions the car suffered. Now the destruction theory is pivoting around a mysterious hydrant which Haider's car should have been crashed into. This hydrant, however, has never been shown in a photo to the public. The disappearance of Haiders wristwatch, of the registration plates, of the headlamps, the loss of both doors on driver's side remain unexplained - unless the hydrant is a being with devilish intelligence, as shown here. Caption: prime suspect: hydrant -- desperately sought.
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