- Politik-Karikatur vom 03. Dezember 2008
- zum Thema: Deutsche Sprache mit Verfassungsrang: Türkische Vertreter beklagen "Assimilierungsdruck"
- Bildunterschrift: "Was für eine Türktümelei! Was für ein undemokratischer Assimilierungsdruck!"
- English description: Representatives of turkish minority in Germany complain about christ democrat's resolution to make an amendment to German Grundgesetz (provisional constitution) which reads: the language in federal republic is German. According to turkish lobbyists this was undemocratic and caused undue assimilation pressure, as they put it. Possibly these persons don't know the constitution of Republic of Turkey. Balloon: III. Unity, official language, flag, national anthem and capital of state. Article 3. The state of Turkey is in its state's territory and in its state's people an indivisible unity. Its language is Turkish. Its flag, the form of which is determined by law, is the red flag with white crescent and star. Its national anthem is the "independence march". Its capital is Ankara. On book: constitution of Republic of Turkey as of July 11th, 1982. On t-shirt: Turkey-German. On construction site signs in background: Here a grand church with 3.500 seats is erected. Caption: What a turkomania! What an undemocratic assimilation pressure!
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