- Politik-Karikatur vom 07. November 2008
- zum Thema: Pogromstimmung: Zentralrat der Juden verfügt jedermänniglich zu wissen, daß dieses Wort auf Manager keine Anwendung finden darf
- Bildunterschrift: "Sie spielen jüdisches Leid herunter, Herr Wulff. Treten Sie zurück!"
- English description: Governor of federal state of Lower Saxony, Christian Wulff, takes part in a TV discussion and defends the high wages of managers: I find, if somebody saves tens of thousands of jobs and pays millions of taxes, one should not spread pogrom-mood against him. The central council of jews in Germany attacks Wulff thereafter with reproach of unjust comparison in respect of German Holocaust. Even his resignation is demanded. Many politicians and media supported this accusation, and Wulff had to make an apology. Thorough research for more sources of citing German word 'Pogromstimmung' shows that it is broadly used in very different contexts. In fact, the use of this word is semantically not specific for the sufferings of jews in history only, the accusations against Wulff are therefore not justified and, accordingly, other, earlier users of this word were not reprimanded by councils of jews. Text shows several citations using the word pogrom-mood found on internet today. Interestingly, a swiss source uses it even for the persecution of 60.000 christs by aggressive Hindus in India. Caption: You downplay jewish sufferings, Mr Wulff! You should resign.
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