- Politik-Karikatur vom 27. Oktober 2008
- zum Thema: Interner Hessen-SPD-Zank: Ypsilantis Mehrheit ist unverändert labil
- Bildunterschrift: Die große Luftnummer auf dem Einstimmenmehrheitsrad
- English description: Wannabe-Governor of Hesse, Andrea Ypsilanti, causes internal quarrels in her SPD party with her decided distribution of cabinet competences that were negotiated with her designated coalition partner, the greens. Y. has, the votes of leftist/ communist parliamentary members included, a majority of one vote in parliament of Hesse. Spoken text by Ypsilanti: so keep still, only that moment until we ... -- Caption: The big airy high-wire act on the one-vote-majority-wheel. On right post: election of governor Hesse.
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