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Jörg Haider, Unfalltod, Klagenfurt, Kärnten, Bundesland, Österreich, VW Phaeton, tödlicher Unfall, Sprache, Populismus, Populist, Negativattribut, Lambichl, Verkehrszeichen, Vorwegweiser, Stoßstange, Ekel, Rechtspopulist, Abdruck, Unfallspuren, Spurensicherung, Obduktion, Fahrerseite, Türen, Hydrant, Betonpfeiler, unbeschädigt, Loch, Fahrerplatz, Dach, rätselhaft, mysteriös, Verschwörungstheorie, Attentat, Anschlag, Mordthese, Barschel, Beau Rivage, Genf, Wille, Ostendorf, Nicole Nardin, Kfz-Kennzeichen, Thujenhecke, Gartenzaun, Airbags, ESP, Drogen, Intoxikation, Pim Fortuyn
  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 23. Oktober 2008

  •  zum Thema: Die barscheleske Geschichte von Haiders selbstverschuldetem Unfalltod

  •  Bildunterschrift: "Betonpfeiler, Hydrant und Kfz-Kennzeichen sind dann vor Ekel geflüchtet, weshalb nie eine Nahaufnahme von ihnen präsentiert werden konnte!"
  • English description: Reported circumstances of the deathly accident of Austrian politician Joerg Haider aren't consistent at all. The contradictions remind of German politician Uwe Barschel's death who died 1987 in a Geneva hotel apartment, officially and stubbornly declared as suicide by police, politics and judiciary - without final evidence. Spoken text: Haider's car crashed with this part against a traffic sign and a signpost, but both those were given the creeps by a right wing populist's bumper and left therefore no imprint on it. Due to nausea, too, both doors on driver's side dissolved themselves just before the car crashed against a hydrant and a concrete pillar. That's why they landed later nearly undamaged on the street behind the car. Caption: Concrete pillar, hydrant and car's registration plates fled then because of nausea, therefore a close-up photo of them never could be produced.

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