- Politik-Karikatur vom 23. Oktober 2008
- zum Thema: Die barscheleske Geschichte von Haiders selbstverschuldetem Unfalltod
- Bildunterschrift: "Betonpfeiler, Hydrant und Kfz-Kennzeichen sind dann vor Ekel geflüchtet, weshalb nie eine Nahaufnahme von ihnen präsentiert werden konnte!"
- English description: Reported circumstances of the deathly accident of Austrian politician Joerg Haider aren't consistent at all. The contradictions remind of German politician Uwe Barschel's death who died 1987 in a Geneva hotel apartment, officially and stubbornly declared as suicide by police, politics and judiciary - without final evidence. Spoken text: Haider's car crashed with this part against a traffic sign and a signpost, but both those were given the creeps by a right wing populist's bumper and left therefore no imprint on it. Due to nausea, too, both doors on driver's side dissolved themselves just before the car crashed against a hydrant and a concrete pillar. That's why they landed later nearly undamaged on the street behind the car. Caption: Concrete pillar, hydrant and car's registration plates fled then because of nausea, therefore a close-up photo of them never could be produced.
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