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Karikaturen, Geschichte, Schimpanse, Affe, Tiervergleich, George W. Bush, Islam, Turban, Hetze, Hassverbrechen, hate crime, Rassismus, Stürmer, Stil, Streicher, Goebbels, Propaganda, Verleumdung, Verunglimpfung, Unterstellung, Islamisierung, USA, politische Korrektheit
  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 20. Oktober 2008

  •  zum Thema: Stürmer-Stil-Verdikt: Welche Karikaturen finden Gutmenschen gut?

  •  Bildunterschrift: Testen Sie sich: Ist Ihr Humor politisch korrekt?
  • English description: Caption: Is your sense of humour politically correct? Text on left side: Agitation! Racism! Stuermer-style! Hate crime! -- Der Stuermer (roughly: the raider) was a disgusting anti-semitic, propagandistic periodical that was published by a certain Julius Streicher during nazi era in Germany. Therein often caricatures were shown with the intention to stir up the flames of hatred against Jews. This is the setting on which nowadays some people refer to the Stuermer always when being annoyed by a caricature they don't like. This is bad and slurring practice because it means to accuse the cartoonist of wishing or propagating the annihilation of people he drew - in a way the nazis did with their victims. There is in fact no evidence for this claim even if a cartoonist draws somebody in a very defamiliarizing way. Only if a nazi-like regime already exists there can be caricatures that have dangerous and hate-mongering features. Look at Iran's denying-the-holocaust-cartoon-competition. Where there is freedom of speech and thought no caricature should be named a hate-crime, because it can be discussed and frankly named outlandish if necessary. No reader or critic of the Stuermer had had that oppurtunity in those awful nazi days.

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