- Politik-Karikatur vom 14. Oktober 2008
- zum Thema: Der politisch gekorene, rechtsprivilegierte neue Adel dieser gewesenen Republik
- Bildunterschrift: Für diesen Adel gilt: staatliche Deeskalationsstrategie bei Rechtsbrüchen
- English description: Text in box reads: During times of feudalism there were in german principalities special jurisdiction and judiciary for members of the social class of nobility. They had not to bow themselves under the law that was valid vor farmers, craftsmen and ordinary people. Who is it that belongs to the new nobility of the year 2008? -- Texts under heads, from left to right: goon, stoner and firebug with antifascist background -- entitled stabber for warning purposes with muslim background (balloon: shitty german) -- informer and unlawfully authority-assumpting individual with GEZ-background ((GEZ = german institution that collects contributions for TV and radio stations that are under public law, on paper in his hand: enforced registration)). Caption: for this nobility applies: state practices de-escalational strategy in case of criminal offense.
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