- Politik-Karikatur vom 23. September 2008
- zum Thema: Die Linke ist eine Kirche ... und der Islam ist ihr Liebchen
- Bildunterschrift: Nicht zu vergessen ihre Petrophilie: die krankhafte Sucht zum Steinwurf
- English description: Text reads: The political left is a church. As such it doesn't equal to those churches that derived from christianity and therefore were somehow open for the free will, but it equals Islam. Like Islam it takes itself for kissed by a god who holds the good and the truth as his own property. Like Islam it never acknowledges its fault and its mistakes. Like Islam it demands a world after its own vision, a society based upon the lines of its prophet Karl Marx. Like Islam it enslaves its own partisans, intimidates them, stupefies them even when they are intelligent. Like Islam it doesn't accept that you think the other way and when you do so, it despises you. It asperses you, draws you into trial, punishes you, and if Koran or rather the party orders to kill you, it will shoot you. (...) Like Islam, finally, the political left is anti-western. (...) Socialism bases itself upon collectivism. Collectivism turns down individualism. And whoever turns down individualism at the same time is turning down western culture. Oriana Fallaci, La Forza della Ragione/ The Force of Reason, German: Die Kraft der Vernunft, Berlin 2006, p. 254. Caption: Not to forget its petrophily: the obsessive addiction to throwing stones.
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