- Politik-Karikatur vom
13. August 2008
- zum Thema: DDR-Mauertoten-Gedenktag nach Ypsilantis Geschmack
- Bildunterschrift: Kranzniederlegung: Die Würde der Zeremonie empfindlich gestört
- English description: August 13th is commemoration day of erection of the Berlin wall in 1961. Just on this day wannabe-governor of Hesse, Andrea Ypsilanti, swears in her social-democrat's fraction to accept a toleration by the Linkspartei-fraction, as SED formerly known and, as such, responsible for the killing fields behind the wall in Berlin and the death stripe amidst Germany. On stone: In memory of victims of SED-tyranny. Text from behind stone: Yes! More! Make me mighty! Caption: Wreath-laying: The dignity of the ceremony badly disturbed. -- The tattoo with hammer and circle was the coat of arms of the SED-state "DDR". SED = Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands=socialistic united party of Germany. DDR = Deutsche Demokratische Republik = German democratic republic.
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