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USA, Vereinigte Staaten, Washington, Weisses Haus, Barack Obama, Hast, mangelnde Sorgfalt, Besuch, Gordon Brown, Gastgeschenk, Verstimmung, DVD-Box, Hollywoodfilme, Pressekonferenz, Erwartung, special relationship, Gelddruck, Michelle Obama, Hase, Eile, Stress, Erschoepfung

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 20. März 2009
  •  zum Thema: In Washington kehrt der Alltag ein: Hektik, Stilunsicherheiten und ein verärgerter britischer Premierminister
  •  Bildunterschrift: Barack Hase im Weißen Haus
  • English description: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is said being annoyed during his visit to Washington earlier this month. Reportedly he was denied a formal press conference and a dinner with Obama which was customized during former Prime minister's visits with respect to special relationship between Britain and USA. Apart from that there was an aspect later named Giftgate by the British press: Brown brought Obama a carefully selected present, a pen holder made from the wood of a warship that helped ending the slave trade. The Oval Office desk is made from the wood of a sister vessel of that warship. Obama's return present appeared rather uninspired: A DVD collection box with 25 classic Hollywood movies. Obama is said to have telephoned his guest on his flight home in an attempt of mitigating Brown's disgruntlement. Balloons: Mr President, your printing order for a trillion new dollar-banknotes ... -- Sir, which guest gift for visit of British Prime Minister Brown? -- Buy him some film DVD's - that has to be enough. -- Darling, you will tuck the children into bed now, won't you? -- Caption: Barack Bunny in the White House.
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