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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Familienrecht, Vaterschaftstest, Strafandrohung, Gentest, Elterngeld, Ursula von der Leyen, Verlaengerung, Familienministerin, Plakat, Grafitto. schreiben, Zeugungsstreik, Risiko, Verarmung, Ruin, Unterhaltspflichten, Erwerbsobliegenheit, Versklavung, Sklaverei, moderne, Mindestbehalt

  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 24. April 2009
  •  zum Thema: Von der Leyen: Bittebitte zeugt Kinder - ich verlängere auch das Elterngeld!
  •  Bildunterschrift: Streik.
  • English description: Federal minister for family affairs, Ursula von der Leyen tries to improve birth rates by offering tax-financed bonus payments (Elterngeld) for young parents. As this policy was not that successful until today she offers a prolongation of bonus-payment term now. On billboard: Eltergeld now prolonged - Germany needs more children. Man's writing: Carve them out of the ribs of your family laws. I won't father them for you. Caption: Strike. Becoming a father has become a serious financial risk for men in Germany. In case of a divorce by court ruling the child mostly is given into the care of the mother, making it easy for her to prevent or allow any contacts between child and father at her will. The mother has mighty law enforcement options at hand to claim money sums from the father, not only alimony for the child but also for herself. Many divorced fathers already experienced financial ruin as they were unable to raise the monthly sums that were ruled by family courts or youth care authorities. The latter regularly make decisions in favour of the mother's wishes and needs, as they want to preserve the child's welfare. The good of the father is of less relevance for them as long as they have somebody at their disposal who relieves taxpayer's office from supporting mother and child.
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