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UNO, Antirassismus, Konferenz, Ban Ki Moon, Generalsekretaer, Mahud Ahmadinedschad, Ahmadineschad, Iran, Praesident, Rede, Hass, Hetze, Israel, Zionismus, Leugnung, Islam, Islamkritik, Abwehr, Lobby, U-Boot, Menschenrechte, Juden, Kritikunfaehigkeit, Mehrheit, Interessenvertretung, blockfreie Staaten, islamische Staaten, Vereinte Nationen, John Bolton, East River, Zitat

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 21. April 2009
  •  zum Thema: Genf-Durban-Antirassismus-Farce: die UNO versenken, wo es am tiefsten ist.
  •  Bildunterschrift: Giftige Abgase aus dem Antriebssystem trüben die Idylle
  • English description: The second UN conference on anti-racism gathers in Geneva, Switzerland. As expected it emerges simply as a forum for anti-zionist resentments and hate speech against Israel, whereas the majority of participants refuses to tolerate any criticism on islam ideology or human rights or women rights or gay rights in islamic states. This conference is as superfluous as UN in general is. Israel and the western states are in a structural minority in UN panels, and majority decisions always are directed against their interests. In green smoke, coming out from mouth of Ahmadinejad, president Islamic Republic of Iran: hatred against Israel -- against Islam critics. -- Pro extinction, eradication, holocaust.-- Balloon Ban Ki Moon: Why don't you come here? It's a beautiful place, however. -- On palm leaves: human rights, anti-racism, Durban II. Caption: Poisonous exhaust gases from propulsion system trouble the idyll.
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