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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Familienpolitik, Musterung, Bundeswehr, Samenbank, Samenspende, von der Leyen, kuenstliche Befruchtung, Zuschuss, Steuermittel, Geburtenrate, Elterngeld, Soldaten

  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 17. Februar 2009
  •  zum Thema: Geburtenrate: von der Leyen forciert das staatlich-künstliche Befruchtungsgeschäft
  •  Bildunterschrift: Musterungsroutine ab sofort
  • English description: Striving for increase of birthrates in Germany, familiy minister Ursula von der Leyen already initiated additional payments - so-called Elterngeld - from tax collector's office for couples becoming parents. The results were disappointing: In 2007, the first year of Elterngeld payments - only 12'000 additional babies were born, compared to 2006. The results for 2008 are neither promising. In the first nine months of 2008 the increase was 3'400 newborn, compared to according period of 2007. Is the government able at all to promote birthrates by giving financial incentives to young couples? Is there any cause-effect-chain at all? Anyway, Mrs von der Leyen has new ideas in gathering political tasks for her ministry. Now she focuses on couples having difficulties in fathering a child. She advocates giving extra-payments to them in order to support financing costly in-vitro-fertilizing-procedures. Caption: new routine in military medical examination with immediate effect. Balloon: Last station: the Leyen-exercise. The minister needs material for family policy. -- On sign: Time: 5 minutes.
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