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  Aktuelle Karikaturen  
Horst Seehofer, CSU, Parteivorsitz, Ministerpräsident, Erwin Huber, Finanzminster, Bayern, Staatsregierung, BayernLB, Milliardenloch, Schlagloch, Finanzloch, beschädigt, Finanzkrise, Kreditkrise, Subprime, Spekulation, Verlust
  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 23. Oktober 2008

  •  zum Thema: BayernLB-Krise: Der Laufpass für Huber könnte für Seehofer verfrüht sein

  •  Bildunterschrift: "Die Finanzlochstrecke ist vorbei. Der kaputte Reifen kann weg!"
  • English description: Designated new chairman of Bavaria's CSU party and designated candidate for the chair of federal state of Bavaria's governor, Horst Seehofer, kicks finance minister Erwin Huber. The time in office of the aforementioned was the period in which the financial desaster of Bavarias state-bank, the BayernLB, bit by bit became apparent to the public. As it seems, Huber always knew more about the dimensions of the crisis than he publicly admitted, especially in advance of recent Bavarian elections. As long as he was in office, the new Bavarian leader Seehofer would have had a good scapegoat in his person for every new problem that emerged at BayernLB. Now that he is about to leave Bavaria's government Seehofer himself will be taken responsible for all new scandals that possibly will happen. In background: BavariaLB-crisis mountains. Caption: We now have passed the finance-hole stretch. The broken tyre can be thrown away.

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