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Finanzkrise, Immobilienkrise, global. Finanzminister, Etatgewinne, Landesbanken, KfW, IKB, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Bankenpleiten, Merrill Lynch, Die Amis haben ganz schlimme Häuser, Bordell, Puff, nackt, Flucht, brennendes Dach, Stammkunden, Freier, Prostitution, Doppelmoral, Doppelstandards, Heuchelei, Sündenbock, Immobilienderivate, US-Flagge, Stars and Stripes, Pharisäertum, Bailout, Rettungspaket, Garantieermächtigung, Risikoermächtigung, Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds
  •  Wirtschafts-Karikatur "Wiedenroths Vorbörse" vom 17. Oktober 2008

  •  zum Thema: Es steht ein Haus in USA, darin gewisse Kapitalismuskritiker nie gewesen sein wollen

  •  Bildunterschrift: Deutsche Finanzminister auf der Suche nach Rettungspaket zur Bedeckung ihrer Blöße
  • English description: Politicians talking about excesses of capitalism referring to global financial crisis are tacit on the little thing that their state banks for years took advantage of very good interest rates when being invested in American housing derivates. These banks therefore again and again were able to transfer billions of Euros into the fiscal budgets of governments. At those times scarcely one of these persons made any public remark on the dangers and risks that were attached with collateralized debt obligations. Instead, they told their fiscal officers to go with god and bring home the money. Suddenly, as the situation has changed and crisis is evident, two big scapegoats are needed in Germany: The US financial system on the one hand, and capitalism on the other. Sign on burning house: Here a quick extra-billion for your budget. Small sign underneath: for regular customers. Balloons: The yankees ... do have houses ... that are really bad! Caption: German financial ministers on search for a bailout to cover their nakedness.

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