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Tuerkei, Klassenfahrt, Antalya, Alkohol, Konsum, Trunksucht, Schueler, Tod, Koma, Lebensgefahr, Methylalkohol, Verdacht, Promille, Rausch, Multikulturalismus, Immigration, Ludwigshafen, Brand, Ursache, Ermittler, Yazicioglu, Erdogan, auslaenderfeindlich, deutschenfeindlich, Unfall, Anschlag, Pruefung, Abitur

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 31. März 2009
  •  zum Thema: Tod eines deutschen Schülers in Antalya, zwei weitere in Lebensgefahr
  •  Bildunterschrift: Abiturklausur 2009 im Fach Multikulturalismus
  • English description: A class from german federal state Schleswig-Holstein visited turkish town Antalya during a school trip. One scholar died after he took part in a spree, two of his drinking mates were brought to hospital in state of coma. There is obscurity as to the reasons of this incident. Turkish authorities say the dead young man had a blood alcohol content of seven rpt seven promille. Turkish doctors are cited, though, that those young people had consumed methyl alcohol. It is said they bought some bottles of beverage from a store in the vicinity of their hotel. -- Text left: After a turkish scholar died during a school trip to Ludwigshafen Turkey sends own experts to Germany who are slated to take part in investigations for death reasons. State minister Murat Yazicioglu was about to travel to Germany in the evening in company of experts of police, said prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara. After incidents in the past that showed hatred of foreigners the question rised whether the death was a mishap or not, the turkish prime minister said. --- Text right: After a german scholar died during a school trip to Antalya Germany sends own experts to Turkey who are slated to take part in investigations for death reasons. Foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier was about to travel to Turkey in the evening in company of experts of police, said federal chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. After incidents in the past that showed hatred of germans the question rised whether the death was a mishap or not, the german chancellor said. -- Balloons: discuss both reports - which is legitimate vision ... and which society-splitting fiction? Caption: final secondary-school examinations 2009 in subject multiculturalism.
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