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Aktuelle Karikaturen

Israel, Gaza, Nahost, IDF, Zahal, Beschuss, Zivilisten, Aussage, Soldaten, Medien, Berichterstattung, Skandal, Moral, Falschmeldung, Dementi, Untersuchung

  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 26. März 2009
  •  zum Thema: Israelische Armee in Gaza: Die einäugige Skandalsucht, die bräsige Dementierträgheit der Medien
  •  Bildunterschrift: "Werd' ich sie deshalb wieder herausklauben, jetzt wo es hier mal richtig warm ist?"
  • English description: Some soldiers of Israel Defense Forces were cited with the claim that IDF shot at civilians during recent warfare in Gaza strip. World media eagerly made scandal headlines out of this and accused Israel of immorality. Investigation by Israel led to conclusion that these witnesses actually were not on the scene of that alleged war crimes and simply had reported rumours. Doubts are always legitimate, but most media didn't even make the slightest follow-on in their coverage on this case presenting the Israel findings. On coal: Israel soldiers: IDF shot at civilans in Gaza. On oven: outrage oven. On manometer: circulation. Underneath window: press agency chute. Balloon: Caution. Your coal is poisoned with false rumours. On coal shoveling man: media. Caption: So will I cull them out again now that there is good warmth all in here?
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