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Schwimmbad, Badekleidung, Vorschrift. Extrawurst, Sonderrecht, Islam, Burkini, Berlin, Probephase, SChwimmbaeder, Multikulturalismus, Einwanderung, Muslime, Musliminnen, Christenschlampe, Nonne, Bademeister, Geste,
  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 22. Januar 2009

  •  zum Thema: Neues aus Burkini Farço: Islam-Ästhetik erobert Berliner Bäder

  •  Bildunterschrift: Schamprivilegiert
  • English description: The city council of Berlin permits muslim women the wearing of so-called Burkinis in public swimming facilities in order to push integration of muslim population. Rather than that it is one more step to transform public space following to guidelines of islam. If any muslim girl dared to go swimming in a bathsuit until now, its relatives as from now have a brillant reason to force her into the muslim dresscode again. On sign: Burkini allowed for muslim women. Balloon: Should I cover once your bareness, you christian slut? -- Christian slut, fu**ing german, pork-eating, potatoe-nosed German, these are among others slanderings that are heard daily in public of big german cities with a relatively big muslim population. -- Caption: privileged in being ashamed.

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