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Alois, Mannichl, Polizeichef, Passau, Polizeidirektor, Anschlag, Lebkuchenmesser, Verdaechtige, Verhaftungen, Festnahmen, Freilassungen, Messerattacke, Phantombild, Polizeischule, Gesichtsdetails, Portraet, Rechtsradikalismus, Bekaempfung, Beweislage, Fahndung, Loch Ness, Erinnerung, Taeter, Schlangenmonster, Taetowierung, Skinhead, Widerstand, national
  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 06. Januar 2009

  •  zum Thema: Im Polizeischwank Mannichl endlich eine heiße Spur!

  •  Bildunterschrift: Die Ermittlungen führten nach jahrelangen polizeilichen Anstrengungen schließlich nach Schottland
  • English description: The search for the assassin that injured Passau's police chief Alois Mannichl in December 2008 is still without any success. It is a story with many inconsistencies, first of all that a precise description of the offender's face was not possible for Mannichl, though he was able to describe quite complicated tattoos on the head of the attacker: a snake and a cross-symbol with an arrow. For injuring him the assassin used Mannichl's ginger bread knife that lay in the vicinity of his flat entrance. As Mannichl declares, the offender said words that give hint on a right-extremist background. More than twenty days after the crime happened police reexamines the surroundings of the crime site in order to find new traces. In balloon: My remembrance of the offender today is clearer than ever: a snake monster stood in front of me that wore a skinhead-figure-tattoo on the back of its head. It took my gingerbread-knife and sizzled: many greetings of the nessional resistance. Caption: Investigations after long lasting police efforts led to Scotland lately.

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