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  Aktuelle Karikaturen  
Messer, Attentat, Passau, Mannichl, Polizeipraesident, Taeter, Rechtsextremismus, NPD, Verbot, Edathy, Innenausschuss, Bundestag, Strafrecht, Bewaehrung
  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 16. Dezember 2008

  •  zum Thema: Das Attentat auf den Passauer Polizeichef - und das reflexhafte Echo in der Politik

  •  Bildunterschrift: Onkel Edathy rät
  • English description: After a knife-attack against the police chief in German town Passau which allegedly was committed by a right-wing extremist, chairman of interior committee in German federal parliament Bundestag claims a ban of national democrat's party NPD, which is right-wing, however socialist. Three balloons above in picture read: shitty leftist, shitty rightist, shitty German. Commenting these attacks is Sebastian Edathy, from left to right: No suspended sentences anymore for right-extremist motivated bodily injuries. Ban NPD. -- No suspended sentences anymore for right-extremist motivated provocations. Ban NPD. -- No suspended sentences anymore for right-extremist motivated integration neglect. Ban NPD. Caption: Uncle Edathy gives good advise.

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